GMC  No.                   3053135

Accreditation:         Paediatrics with Neonatology January 1996

                                     I am on the GMC specialist register


1981                        University of Southampton   Bsc: 2:1 Physiology and Pharmacology

1985                        University of Bristol  MB ChB

1989                        DCH

1989                        MRCP (London)

1998                        FRCPCH


Junior paediatrics jobs in Bristol, Nottingham and Leicester

1996 – Dec 2008                Consultant Neonatologist,

University Hospitals of Leicester NHS Trust, Leicester Royal Infirmary.

2002 – Dec 2008                Head of Neonatal Service,

2009 – Current Position   Consultant paediatrician/neonatologist

                                          Medical Specialist Group, Guernsey


 In order to maintain my specialist neonatal skills I have an honorary contract with the Regional Neonatal Intensive Care Unit at  St Michaels Hospital, University Hospitals of Bristol NHS Trust.

In Guernsey I am one of 5 paediatricians covering all aspects of general paediatrics, neonatology, child protection and community paediatrics.

I undertake paediatric and neonatal air transfers from Guernsey to the UK.

I have undertaken several SI reviews and RCA’s in Guernsey and have received training in both.




  • MSG management Board member from 2013-15 with a specific role in Clinical Governance.
  • Clinical Director of the Women and Child Health Directorate from January 2016 – June 2017.
  • Head of Paediatric department 2014-18
  • Chair of the Perinatal Mortality and Morbidity meeting since 2012.
  • Named doctor for Child Protection since May 2018.
  • Chair of the safeguarding peer review meetings
  • Consultant appraiser



  • Head of neonatal service – University Hospitals of Leicester from 2001 – Dec 2008
  • Consultant advisor in Clinical Governance for UHL 2002- 2008
  • Co-chair of the British Association of Perinatal Medicine’s clinical excellence committee 2004 – 2007
  • BAPM deputy England & Wales rep 2006 –2008



On behalf of the BAPM I led an external review of neonatal encephalopathy cases for a south of England NHS Trust and a review of neonatal services for South Wales Trust.

I have been guest speaker at national, international and local meetings on topics related to neonatology,  risk management and clinical governance.

I have appeared on TV and radio in the UK and in Guernsey on a regular basis discussing current paediatric and neonatal issues.



ECMO specialist course, Leicester 1994

NLS instructors course 2005

Equal opportunity training 2007

EPLS 2012

Air Transport training – Capital 2013

NLS instructor 2014

EMMiTTS 2014 ( Emeregency Medical Management of individual and Team Sports)

Courtroom skills – London 2015

Wessex Appraiser training  2015 and  update in 2016

Root cause analysis training  2015

NCAS investigator training  2015

Level 3 Child protection training  2016

Expert report writing – London 2016

APLS – 2016

Level 4/5 child protection training 2017

Child sexual abuse update 2017

NLS 2018

ARNI ( Advaned Resuscitation of the Newborn Infant)  2018



Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health

British Association of Perinatal Medicine

Association of Paediatric Emergency Medicine

British Association for the study and prevention of child abuse and neglect (BASPCAN)



Sangala V, Bohin S, Dunster G and Osborne JP

Perinatal mortality rates in isolated general practitioner maternity units

BMJ 1990; 301: 418-420


Fenton AF and Bohin S

Clearly Bilingual

BMJ 1993; 307:1633


Bohin S, Watson AR and Broderick N

Urinary tract infection (UTI) – is the plain abdominal X-ray worthwhile?

Pediatric Rev and Commun 1993; 7: 147-155


Bohin S and Field DJ

Problems in the provision of neonatal intensive care

Pediatric Rev and Commun 1994; 7: 279


Bohin S and Field DJ

The Epidemiology of neonatal respiratory disease

Early Human Development 1994; 37: 73-90


Bohin S, Mason ES, Clark M and Field DJ

Birth asphyxia – anecdote or fact?  Arch Dis Child 1994: 71: 148


Bohin S, Fenton AC, Thompson JR, Evans DH and Field DJ

Circulatory effects of ventilator rate and end expiratory pressure in unparalysed preterm infants.  ACTA paediatrica 1995; 64: 1300-1304


Bohin S, Draper ES and Field DJ

The impact of extremely immature infants on neonatal services.   Arch Dis Child 1996: 74: F110-113


Chapter: The epidemiology of neonatal respiratory disease. In, Neonatal respiratory disorders. Eds Greenough A, Milner AD and Roberton NRC

Published by Edward Arnold. 1995


Chapter: Neonatology. In Objective Structured Clinical Examination in Obstetrics & Gynaecology.  Eds.  Justin C. Konje and David J. Taylor Published by Blackwell 1998


Contributor  to: Paediatric and Neonatal Criticalcare Transport. Eds Peter Barry and Andrew Leslie. Published by BMJ books 2003.


Obstetrics and Gynaecology: An evidence-based text for MRCOG. Eds David M Luesley and Philip N Baker. Published by Arnold 2004. P357-362 and p439-444

November 2018